This page contains videos about other topics.

Video showing a black hole created at CERN in Switzerland. The hole is not created by the subatomic collision at LHC, but by the rotating magnetic field used at LHC to accelerate the subatomic particles. An extraterrestrial spacecraft come and seals the hole.

Video nr 2 showing a black hole created at CERN in Switzerland. The hole is not created by the subatomic collision at LHC, but by the rotating magnetic field used at LHC to accelerate the subatomic particles.


Katy Perry talks about her ET music video

Katy Perry. Her ET music video

Intervju with Katy Perry


Calling occupants of interplanetary craft by Carpenters


Starman by David Bowie



The film Solaris by Stanislaw Lem about a intelligent ocean on a distant planet. Recommended by Istiphul